Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mars Project 1 - JM

Mars Image

Light Analysis

Light Generations and Poche

Armadillo Model

Armadillo Model -2

Brick Model- 3x9

Initial Generation for 18x18 model

Compiled Generations for 18x18 model

Model- 18x18



Monday, October 24, 2011

Mars Work

Mars Project

My Mars image.

Wind Analysis:
The bases of the triangles are equal; the varying amplitudes represent the slope of the landscape. The poche emphasizes wind direction. The line weight represents depth.

Triangle Grid Transformations:
The vertices are displaced based on the wind direction.

Light Analysis:
The circle size represents depth. The density created by the overlapping of the circles represents the light; the greater the density, the darker the area. The arrows represent the rotation of mars which affects how the land receives light from the sun.

Square Grid Transformations:
The vertices are displaced based on the change in amount of light that will hit the area; if based on the rotation, the area goes from light to dark, the vertices move to a darker area.

3x3 Models

Based on wind direction.

First model based on light. Used third transformation and poche.

2nd model based on light. Used third transformation to crate volumes and support the poche pieces.

3rd model based on light. Chose one piece of the 2nd model to focus on, but basically lost the poche in the process.

4th model based on light. Worked with different section of poche. Showed rotation.

5th model based on light. Using the idea of the 4th model but to better define the cube.

Creation of 3x9 Model

Light model with rotation added.
The following are transformations. Based on the three levels I created through adding the rotation, I changed the levels in the transformations. It is shown using the top views and observing how they change.

Transformation 1

Transformation 2

Transformation 3


3x9 Section to 18x18 Composition

3x9 to 9x9

9x9 to 18x18

Erosion of 18x18

Midterm Assignment

Process of Developing the Model:
Exact Extrusion of Parts to Focusing on Vital Pieces, their Connections, and the Erosion Lines. The erosion lines (blue) are the bass wood section of the model.

18x18 Model

18x18 Model

18 x18 Model, Adjusted

18x18 Model, Adjusted